Woodpeckers in Africa

There are many woodpeckers in Africa, but they are extremely difficult to photograph because of their fast movements and the fact that they are often seen on the dark trunks of trees. I have photographed many more than the ones shown here, but there are not many that I can show you.

cardinal woodpecker

This one is called cardinal woodpecker. I think it probably got its name from the scarlet color of the back of its head.

grey woodpecker

This is a grey woodpecker. It is a small woodpecker, and I think it is the most commonly seen woodpecker.

nubian woodpecker

This is a nubian woodpecker, a bit larger than the above two species. This is also a relatively common woodpecker.

red-breasted wryneck

This is a bird called red-breasted wryneck. It is a member of the woodpecker family, although its morphology and ecology are quite different from those of ordinary woodpeckers at first glance.

African Safari, copyright© Hitonomoi Co. Ltd.