Herons in Africa

I actually have a few more pictures, but I can't find where they are, so I'll post these ones for now.

Goriath Heron

This is Africa's largest heron, the aptly named Goriath Heron. If the bird stretches out the neck, it would be as tall as I am.

Grey Heron

This is a Grey Heron.

Cattle Eaglet

This is a heron returning to roost with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background.

Night Heron

This is a Night Heron in flight.

Purple Heron

This is a Purple Heron similar to Goriath but much smaller.

Squacco Heron

This is Squacco Heron. I don't know what the name means.

Yellow-billed Eagret

This is Yellow-billed Eagret.

Little Eagret

This is Little Eagret.

Black-headed Heron

This is a black-headed heron. It is the most common heron species. It usually has yellow eyes, but for some reason this one has red eyes.

African Safari, copyright© Hitonomoi Co. Ltd.